Agaricus urinascens

Es gibt 1 Antwort in diesem Thema, welches 2.100 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Beorn.

  • Liebe Pilzfreunde,

    Habe ich diese richtig wie Agaricus unrinascens identificiert?

    The hat bruises yellow strongest, the stem does not seem to bruise, and neither is the base yellow at cutting.
    The smell is very hard for me to identify.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello, Stephen!

    How big are these Fruitbodies?
    I suppose, you found them in a meadow, and not in a wood.

    Those might well be a species from the Agaricus urinascens - group.
    But the more ore less straight stem with (at least not everywhere) clavate habite reminds me also at Agaricus arvensis.

    The smell could possibly remind you at some french drink, called Pastis?
    Or -erm - Marzipan?
    Sorry, I don't know the english word for that.

    Well, back to the Problem of distinguishing A. urinascens from A. arvensis: The latter one has also in old Fruitbodies a pleasent smell, while the smell of A. urinascens in older Fruitbodies is somewhat sickening.
    The flesh in the stipe - apex of A. urinascens is often a little reddish, like the flesh of A. bitorquis or A. bisporus. This feature is never present in A. arvensis.
    At last, You can distinguish A. urinascens by the big spores, if You have a microscope.

    With the things I see in Your pictures, I would rather tend to call this funghi Agaricus arvensis.
