in meiner Tropenpilzsammlung (Mahé, Seychellen) sind mehrere trametenähnliche Pilze.
Bei der Suche nach möglichen Namen bin ich auf diverse neuere genetische Untersuchungen gestoßen und verschiedene Ansätze, die Gattungen neu zu ordnen.
Gattungsnamen sind häufig: Trametes, Lenzites, Coriolopsis, da wird es vermutlich noch weitere "Umordnungen" geben.
Zum Beispiel habe ich diesen schön gefärbten Pilz (Nr. 25) mehrfach gefunden, einmal 2015, immer auf liegendem Laubtotholz.
Ich halte ihn für Coriolopsis polyzona (so bei Mycobank, bei Index fungorum Funalia polyzona, möglicherweise demnächst Trametes polyzona)
ZitatAlles anzeigen
FRUITBODY annual to perennial, pileate, sessile, dimidiate, flabelliform to reniform, sometimes reflexed with an effused and resupinate pore surface, commonly broadly attached, less often with a contracted base, solitary or in clusters, imbricate or fused laterally to elongated lobed fruitbodies, single pilei up to 10 cm wide and 15 cm long, 2-7 mm thick at the base, coriaceous and flexible to corky. PILEUS yellowish-ochraceous when fresh, soon darker, fulvous, ochraceous-brown or greyish-brown, in old specimens frequently with green tints due to algae in the tomentum, tomentose to slightly hispid in numerous sulcate to flat, concentric zones, margin thin, flat to undulating, often lobed and incised.
PORE SURFACE cream to beige when fresh, darkens to golden-brown or fulvous, pores angular to round, on average 2-3 per mm, on oblique substrates somewhat elongated radially and up to 1 mm long, tubes concolorous with pore surface, in section often lighter than the trama, up to 4 mm deep, sometimes stratified.
CONTEXT duplex, lower part fibrous and subshiny in section, ochraceous to golden brown, darker towards the base, upper part loose and more faded, in old specimens it may become greyish-brown to dark brown, the two parts usually easy to distinguish in sections, and sometimes with a separating thin black line, lower part' up to 3 mm deep, tomentum 1-3 mm thick in sulcate zones.
HYPHAL SYSTEM trimitic, generative hyphae with clamps, thin-walled and hyaline, slightly to strongly branched, 1.52.5 µm wide. Skeletal hyphae dominating, thick-walled with a distinct lumen, hyaline to yellow, 3-8 µm wide. Binding hyphae more sparingly present, hyaline to slightly yellowish, with short branches, 3-6 µm in diameter. The context is dominated by slightly thick-walled skeletal hyphae up to 10 µm wide, but also a number of short-branched binding hyphae present. In the tomentum the skeletal hyphae are more thick-walled and agglutinated. SPORES oblong to slightly ellipsoid, smooth and thin-walled, (4.5)5-8.5 x (2)2.5-3.5 µm, the size varies considerably within one collection, non-amyloid.
HABITAT. On dead angiosperms of all kinds, especially in areas with periodical dry seasons, where the fruitbodies may persist from one rainy season to the next.
DISTRIBUTION. Pantropical, in Africa noted from almost all countries south of Sahara.
REMARKS. C. polyzona is a variable species especially with regard to the form of the fruitbodies. Further, the colour of the pileus is also rather variable, frequently it is darker and more hispid at the basal part, light-coloured and more adpressed velutinate at the margin. The zonation is usually prominent, even if the zones may vary considerably in width. Very old specimens become almost dark brown.
C. polyzona may be confused with old specimens of Trametes hirsuta as thus species becomes ochraceous to fulvous brown when it has been stored in the herbarium for a long time. When fresh, T. hirsuta has a greyish, hirsute tomentum and a typically greyish pore surface and white context. In section there is a much more distinct zonation in the pileus than in C. polyzona. Microscopically it is easily separated, as T. hirsuta has smaller spores than C. polyzona.
In dem ganz oben genannten Link auch Bilder der Art.
Ich denke, alle Merkmale stimmen gut überein, auch die Duplexstruktur kann ich beim Schnittbild des frischen Pilzes ausmachen (am trockenen Pilz nicht mehr mit bloßem Auge).
Einzig die schon beim kleinsten Pilz stark verlängerten, leicht labyrinthischen Poren irritieren mich etwas.
Allerdings waren die Pilz wohl alle nicht mehr ganz frisch.
Die 2015 gefundenen Exemplare waren 3,5,7 cm breit und mit ca. 2mm Trama und 2mm Röhrenschicht, am Ansatz etwas dicker.
Sofern am Rand noch rundliche Poren waren, dann waren sie dort relativ fein, 3-4 pro mm, aufgeschlitzt aber nur 1 pro mm.
Mit "Hydrogencarbonat-Süppchen" leichte vergängliche rötliche Färbung, mit KOH (20%) leichte vergängliche mittelbraune Färbung.
25-2a (alte Pilze)
25-3a (2015)
25-3e (links mit Lauge, rechts mit Wasser angefeuchtet)