Arx, Figueras & Guarro 1988

Es gibt 7 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 4.589 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Yulia.

  • Arx, Figueras & Guarro 1988: Sordariomycetous Ascomycetes without Ascospore Ejaculation. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 94.


    Projekt Fungi: 3277

    [FERTIG] Band 1a: 440 Pyrenomyceten mit 0-1fach sept. Sporen; Band 1b: 380 Pyrenomyceten mit 2-M.

    Band 2a: Pezizomycetes, Hypogäische Eurotiomycetes, Lecanoromycetes, Arthoniomycetes

    Band 2b: Leotiomycetes, Geoglossomycetes, Taphrinomycetes, Laboulbeniales, Orbiliomycetes

    Band 3: Rindenpilze, Heterobasidiomycetes, Cyphelloide Pilze
    Schwarzwälder Pilzlehrschau

  • Dear Yulia,

    I think that Björn Wergen is no longer active in this forum.

    So I will send you a pdf of this work.

    Best regards, Norbert

    P.S. Done!:)

    Hier geht es zu meinen Themen.


    Chips: 72

  • Dear Norbert!

    Thank you very much, I received a copy of this work.

    I am also grateful for the comments in the topic "Preussia terricola ?". I tried to answer you there several times, but for some reason my messages are deleted. I still can't figure out the details of this forum :/.

    Best regards, Yulia.

  • I am also grateful for the comments in the topic "Preussia terricola ?". I tried to answer you there several times, but for some reason my messages are deleted. I still can't figure out the details of this forum :/ .

    I think there is a problem with the forum software.

    Maybe that an Admin can restore your message. I will ask.

    Meanwhile I Have read your answers at

    Thank you!

    Best regards, Norbert

    Hier geht es zu meinen Themen.


    Chips: 72

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Sorry Yulia that is a New and evil bug. I restored your first answer in the thread oft the Preussia.

    Risspilz: hui; Rissklettern: bisher pfui; ab nun: na ja mal sehen...

    Derzeit so pilzgeschädigt, das geht auf keine Huthaut. :D

    Meine Antworten hier stellen nur Bestimmungsvorschläge dar. Verzehrsfreigaben gibts nur vom PSV vor Ort.