Schizothecium with 4-spored asci

Es gibt 15 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 4.500 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von PilzMichi.

  • Dear Friends,

    I have one sample of the Schizothecium with 4-spores asci on domestic rabbit dung, over the identification of which I have been suffering for several months.

    Perithecia semi-immersed, dark brown to blackish, broadly ovoid to pyriform; agglutinated scales 25,5-38,7 μm. Asci 4-spored, cylindric-clavate, 90-125 × 12,5-13 μm. Ascospores uniseriate, apical dark cell (head) 15,30-18,41× 8,92-10,57 μm; olivaceous to dark brown, ellipsoidal, with an apical germ pore, somewhat flattened at the base and a slightly umbonate at the apex; pedicel 10 × 2,2 μm; upper cauda lash-like, the lower one similar, attached to distal end of the pedicel.

    This sample will occupy an intermediate between Sch. nanum and Sch. tetrasporum. In the works that I have, there is no fungus with such characteristics.

    Thank you!

  • Good morning, Yulia!

    let me first welcome you aboard of this forum.

    Although we'd like to help you with your request,

    there is a little problem:

    we can't see the images you posted. (I tried them all)

    Try as follows:

    Post your post...Or get via down-right bottom into the edition of your earlier posted post

    Then, at the bottom, you'll find "Dateianhänge"

    Click that one and another one will pop up "Hochladen" will occur.

    click that button and load up whatever U like.

    Then click on "...einfügen"

    Hope it helped.



    In stand-by-mode for further questions...


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    Pilz-Chips: 90+8 für Nobis Pilz-Cover-Rätsel=98, +2 Interne Tribünen-Punkte-Wette APR 2022=100, +4 PhalschPhal-Gedicht APR = 104 +5 Rätselgedicht = 109, 3 als Rätselprämie an Lupus = 106, Gnolm-Kreativpreis APR 2024 +3 = 109

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Malone ()

  • Although we'd like to help you with your request,

    there is a little problem:

    we can't see the images you posted. (I tried them all)

    Moin Peter,

    bei mir klappt der Download der Bilder gut. Die Asci sind gut zu sehen. Aber zu den Dungpilzen sind wohl die Spezialisten gefragt. Bestimmt weiß Nobi Rat.

    Lieben Gruß


    ...leben und leben lassen... ;)

    Hier im Forum gibt es grundsätzlich keine Verzehrfreigaben.

    Pilzsachverständige findest du hier.

  • Ok.

    pretty unusual procedure...

    Pictures can be seen as download.

    (I didn't expect that)

    Soon experts will answer.

    Have a nice day


    Link zu Pilzlehrwanderungen: Pilzschule Rhein-Main

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    Galerie: Pilzfotos "zum Anfassen"/Stereobilder

    Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. Soll er doch im Dunkeln tappen...ich fange lieber Pilze. Fossas sind auch nur aktiv, wenn es sich lohnt.

    Meine Fotos und Artwork dürfen nicht ohne meine vorherige ausdrückliche Genehmigung außerhalb dieses Forums verwendet werden!

    Pilz-Chips: 90+8 für Nobis Pilz-Cover-Rätsel=98, +2 Interne Tribünen-Punkte-Wette APR 2022=100, +4 PhalschPhal-Gedicht APR = 104 +5 Rätselgedicht = 109, 3 als Rätselprämie an Lupus = 106, Gnolm-Kreativpreis APR 2024 +3 = 109

  • Hello everyone, I can see the pictures too, they are a Download ;)

    Kind Regards,


  • Looks like you don't get a preview of the picture when you upload them as *.bmp. I just tried it.

    Convert them to *.jpg and it should work.

    They can be downloaded and viewed but it's more convenient if they are visible right from the start.

    Posts sind nicht als Essensfreigabe zu verstehen. :-]
    93 Chibs - APR-Gebühr 2024 = 83 Chibs

  • Hello Julia,

    there are 3 species wirh 4-spored Asci. S. inaequale, tetrasporum and nanum. The pictures fit perfectly to S. tetraspora, but not the dimensions. S. inaequale and S. nanum have a different spore-shape. I think it is a small-spored Form of S. tetraspora. I postpone this to the coprophilic mushrooms.
    Coprophile Pilze

  • Hello Julia,

    there are 3 species wirh 4-spored Asci. S. inaequale, tetrasporum and nanum. The pictures fit perfectly to S. tetraspora, but not the dimensions. S. inaequale and S. nanum have a different spore-shape. I think it is a small-spored Form of S. tetraspora. I postpone this to the coprophilic mushrooms.
    Coprophile Pilze

    Dear Rada! Thanks for the answer. In the works dedicated to this genus, I also saw only three species with 4-spore asci. I also thought about the fact that this is either the small-spored form of S. tetraspora, or the large-spored form of S. nanum :) I would like to know, maybe someone else had such samples.

  • Hello Yulia,

    I also want to say welcome to you!

    Which country do you come from?

    Your fotos are very good.

    I uploaded them for you again. Hope all can see them now.

    Schizothecium tetrasporum (not tetraspora!) is one of the commonest ascomycetes on dung.

    I think it is a very variable species.

    Once I had it with spores 15-20 x 9-11 µm.

    I think you 've found a small spored form of it, like Ralf said.

    The other two four spored species (nanum and inaequale) you can exclude.

    And I don't believe that this is a new species.

    Kindly regards, Nobi

    Hier geht es zu meinen Themen.


    Chips: 72

  • Ahoj to everyone,

    in addition to nobi's highly qualified answer:daumen:

    I'd like to ask again not which country YOU are from but the mushrooms.

    Where did you find them?

    Kind regards


    Link zu Pilzlehrwanderungen: Pilzschule Rhein-Main

    Link: Verzehrfreigaben gibt es online nicht

    Galerie: Pilzfotos "zum Anfassen"/Stereobilder

    Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. Soll er doch im Dunkeln tappen...ich fange lieber Pilze. Fossas sind auch nur aktiv, wenn es sich lohnt.

    Meine Fotos und Artwork dürfen nicht ohne meine vorherige ausdrückliche Genehmigung außerhalb dieses Forums verwendet werden!

    Pilz-Chips: 90+8 für Nobis Pilz-Cover-Rätsel=98, +2 Interne Tribünen-Punkte-Wette APR 2022=100, +4 PhalschPhal-Gedicht APR = 104 +5 Rätselgedicht = 109, 3 als Rätselprämie an Lupus = 106, Gnolm-Kreativpreis APR 2024 +3 = 109

  • Dear Nobi!

    Thanks for your welcome. Also thank you very much for the qualified answer and appreciation of my photos!

    Regarding questions about me and about the sample that I collected.

    I’m mycologist, a university lecturer from Ukraine. In recent years, my research interests include coprophilous ascomycetes. I have been studying their species diversity and distribution in Ukraine.

    This sample was collected in the Sumy region (province) of Ukraine (north-eastern part of Ukraine). Fruit bodies detect by incubation in moist-chambers.

    I have many samples of S. tetrasporum from Ukraine. But this is the first with such small spores.

    Kindly regards, Yulia.

  • Hi Yulia!

    Так Вы по-русски говорите (или по-украински)? ;) (Für die deutschen: das war russisch ;) )

    That's very cool, that you are studying the diversity and I do hope that you can teach the ukrainian people how to collect mushrooms - not collecting old mushrooms, not collecting poisonous mushrooms and the most important: Not collect Paxillus involutus! I know, that many russian and ukrainian people collect them, my russian aunt included.....I couldn't change her mind yet :(


    Michael :)

  • Dear Michael!

    I speak both Russian and Ukrainian. :)

    I try to teach my students how to collect mushrooms at least. But it does not always work. The traditions of collecting Paxillus involutus in Ukraine and Russia are very strong. In my childhood I often collected it myself. He, by the way, is quite tasty. ;) It's hard to find arguments when they say to you: "I've eaten it all my life!".

  • Hi Yulia, yeah, for sure it's difficult.... Especially older people would collect it anyway, they don't mind if somebody is saying Something or not..... I do hope, that this Situation will change in the next years!!! :