Would appreciate if anyone knows what the name of this pilze ist
Found in the Austrian forest in Burgenland Austria
Many thanks
Es gibt 4 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.697 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Jorge.
Would appreciate if anyone knows what the name of this pilze ist
Found in the Austrian forest in Burgenland Austria
Many thanks
Vielleicht gelber Knollenblätterpilz???? VORSICHT GIFTIG
My opinion says thats a "false death cap" [Amanita citrina](German: Gelber Knollenblätterpilz). Can you take a Photo of his carrot?
Attention! Dangerous! his poison is often deadly. Do not eat them!!!
Have no fear I don't eat any mushroom until it I have confirmed it safe.
Thanks for the concern and help
amanita citrina is not so dangerous like the otherones