I remember encountering this strange gall-like fungus growing from the edge of a lamella of another fungus (Pluteus nanus). Posting so apart sharing for general curiosity, maybe someone had experience with this alien-stuff !
A gall-like structure (fungal) on gill of a Basidiomycete
- Steve_mt
- Erledigt
Es gibt 2 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.498 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Steve_mt.
Hello Steve,
a warm welcome to the forum and hopefully we can contribute to your inventarisation of the Fungi of Malta. There are some people here familiar with the mediterranean fungus flora.
What concerns this "gall", I have some doubt that it really is fungal. And even more doubt that it originates from the gill edge of this Agaricales. May be this could be a myxomycete?
all the best,
Hello Steve,
a warm welcome to the forum and hopefully we can contribute to your inventory of the Fungi of Malta. There are some people here familiar with the mediterranean fungus flora.
What concerns this "gall", I have some doubt that it really is fungal. And even more doubt that it originates from the gill edge of this Agaricales. May be this could be a myxomycete?
all the best,
I can confirm that the spherical body was attached and as if part / continuous from the gill. The idea of being a slime mould is possible but personally I don't know of any examples. Also, I would expect some verrucose-spinulose globular spores inside. The myserty continues... Thanks for the warm greeting.