Not being any mushrooms around, I am trying to re-investigate old collections. I have found this collection in an oak forest (Quercus ilex) which is beige, medium-small (8cm long, pileus 4.5 cm wide). It had a fragile stipe but I don't think it is a Psathyrellaceae for its spores are subglobular and hyaline giving a light cinnamon-brown spore print (but I am aware of how diverse this family is!!!). Gills free. Cheilos present. No ornamentation on the cap, no smell, no volva, no ring, no bruising, no reaction, very boring! Basidia clavate, x4-sporous. Frequent, variable in size, utriform (45-90um long), pleurocystidia rare or absent. Spores 5.1-7.3 x 4.1x5.9 µm, subglobular-pip shaped. 'Hymenoderme of subglobular to broadly oval, slightly angular hyphae with a very short appendiculate peduncle. If I have to guess, I chose the genus pluteus. I don't have an exsiccatum for further investigations
Pale/beige basidiomycete in leaf litter of Oak (Q. ilex)
- Steve_mt
- Erledigt
Es gibt 5 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.389 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Steve_mt.
Hello Steve,
there are certain similiaritis to Pluteus cinereofuscus.
With kind regards, Sebastian
yes it is one Pluteus with only sphaerical cells in the Pileopellis. I don´t think that its P. cinereofuscus because the cream coulored head don´t fit.
Best regards
Hi Steve,
may be Pluteus inquilinus might be an option; it would fit your spore size and has these creamlike tinges on the gills that can be seen on your fotos,
best wishes
Dear friends, sorry for the late reply. I was inquiring and researching the possibilities based on your kind answers. I have found a closely related species of P. inquilinus which often grows on oak forests, hence a pale form of P. plautus. Could this species be considered? I know usually it is medium brown in color, but paler forms are often documented and met in the wild:
spore:(6.5) 6.8-7.4 (-7.8) x (4.8)5.1-5.9(-7.8)The link above shows strong similarities!
Spore 6.6-7.9 x 5.9-7.2 µm; media 7.3 x 6.6 µm; Q = 1.0-1.2; M = 1.1, as a subglobose largamente ellissoidali, lisce, con apicolo, guttulate
Inquilinus seems to be a more petite fungus with semi-translucent stipe, and a whiter -> whitish-cream pileus ... but closely related of course. I am just confused/undecided between inquilinus and plautus.
Further comments are welcomed!