Calycellina populina (Fuckel) Höhn. 1918 (Syn: Calycina populina)

Es gibt 6 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 2.288 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Steve_mt.

  • Hallo zusammen,

    ich möchte euch gerne einen Ascomyceten zeigen, der zurzeit an Pappelblättern wächst.

    Er heißt Calycellina populina (Syn: Calycina populina) und wurde mir auf Ascofrance von Enrique Rubio und Zotto bestimmt (Siehe hier).

    Hier sind die Bilder:



    3. Paraphysen zwischen den Asci



    6. In Lugol

    VG : Thorben

  • Hi Steve,

    interesting question, because i don't know anything about C. dennisii and i'm not familiar with this genus.

    If you are interested about more details you can contact Zotto on Ascofrance or E-Mail.

    I haven't count the septa from the paraphyses.

    best regards,


  • I got this ascomycete identified on Ascofrance too and everything seems to match except the number of speta of the paraphyses. The description says 2, I had 4. On the other hand this is never mentioned to be important character.

  • Hi Steve,

    it is very difficult to say anything to distingush these species. I think we must wait for further educations and sequences.

    Possibly that C. dennisii and C. populina are one species.

    best regards,


  • I don't know if I have mentioned it, but between the two, I chose populin because it is most recorded so the odds I found something extremely rare recorded from Japan is too much unreal and not plausible. As you said, these might even be the same species and define just a bit of variety within the species. Not even the monograph was able to tell apart with any confidence. Thanks for all your correspondence about this matter ;)