Dessication temperature of macrofungi

Es gibt 4 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.318 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Thorwulf.

  • Dear friends. Some years ago I built my own desiccatorfresh with temperature control, light, fan, etc. I wanted to ask if 42-49C is the ideal temp to desiccate fungi in a challenging climate with humidity >75% and warm winter temperatures where infections from moulding parasites are not uncommon. Is >50C to high that damages the hyphae/cystidia? TNX

    P.s. I place the fresh fungi inside, and those dry I keep them on the lid while working with them which is pretty warm until I am ready and store them in boxes later on.

  • Hello Steve!

    The climate surely is a challenge… Once I had to send a mushroom sample to Oehrling, he gave me this as an advice for drying the sample:


    Dazu brauche ich einen halben Hut mit intakter Huthaut und intakten Lamellen. Ein Stück Stiel wäre auch nicht schlecht. Die Stücke sollten mit dem Dörrgerät am besten bei 30 Grad ca. 6 bis 8 Stunden lang getrocknet sein, bitte nicht heißer sonst kollabieren die Zellen.

    For this I need half a hat with intact hat skin and intact lamellae. A piece of stalk wouldn't be bad either. The pieces should be dried with the dehydrator at 30 degrees celsius for about 6 to 8 hours, please not hotter otherwise the cells will collapse.

    So far as I know, to prevent of denaturing the proteins, you have to remain the temperature under 45 degree Celsius.



  • .... wanted to add that I bought this

    The lowest temperature is 40C and unfortunately my thermometer (external metal thermometer) indicates 44C eith lid closed. Removing the lid and raising some compartments, I get around 36-40C. Hope this is fine for molecular testing and cell conservation for microscopy.

    I wonder if anyone uses this too:)

  • Hi Steve,

    I wonder if anyone uses this too :)

    I also use such a similar device: Steba-Dörrautomat »ED 5«



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