Is anyone familiar with yellow or bleached Parasola sp I found in calcareous limestone soil, exposed to sea rush, terrestrial and close to low weeds and grasses? The spores are subspherical with a tapering end, pore present. Cheilocystidia abundant, inflated ellipsoid or subspherical hypha, rather variable. Pilleipellis sphaeropedunculate hyphae. Suggestions always welcome.

Parasola sp.Yellowish pileus, terrestrial, subglobular spores
- Steve_mt
- Erledigt
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Hat den Titel des Themas von „Parasola sp. a bit yellow, terrestrial,“ zu „Parasola sp.Yellowish pileus, terrestrial, subglobular spores“ geändert. -
It is matching quite will with Parasola leiocephala = P. lactea .
12. Basidiospores narrowly ovoid to ellipsoidal, sometimes
ovoid, Qavg = 1.15–1.60 ................................ 13
12′. Basidiospores ovoid, rounded triangular, or subglobose
...................................................................... 14
13. Basidiospores mostly ellipsoidal to hexagonal, Qavg
= 1.15–1.5, pleurocystidia mostly
utriform ....................................................... P. plicatilis
13′. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoidal, often ovoid to
broadly hexagonal, Qavg = 1.25–1.6, pleurocystidia
often lageniform .......................... P. plicatilis-similis
14. Average length of basidiospores under 10.5–11 μm,
basidiospores often remain immature
.................................................. P. lactea (= P. leiocephala
14′. Average length of basidiospores >11.5 μm, as usual
fully mature, dark blackish brown, pileipellis and
basidia filled with strongly refringent, yellowish
granules ................................................P. lilatincta s.l.