This is a Pucciniaforming pockets elongated from where the spores emerge and released. I think Identification of Puccinia is somewhat host-related. I don't know if there is a website/database where one can input the host and get a set of possible plant pathogens.
(23.6) 24.7 - 32.1 (32.5) × (16.4) 17.2 - 19.8 (20.1) µm
Q = (1.2) 1.25 - 1.8 (1.9) ; N=9
V = (4018) 4518 - 5293 (5427) µm3
Me = 27.1 × 18.6 µm ; Qe = 1.5 ; Ve = 4892 µm3
and spore wall is almost 2 um thick!
Well if you have some information to share with me about this species I will be glad.