Physarum -maybe- ovisporum

Es gibt 2 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.257 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Steve_mt.

  • Hello,

    Here is another Physarum on decaying plants which I am trying to identify. I only have about 15 fruiting bodies (maybe more will grow) and they are old I think. The myxocarps are very rich in lime almost fluffy, the spores are like collapsed but few were examinable and are round to slightly oval, not ornamented and unless it is my imagination, i am seeing a faint line across some. Those which are starting to collapse or shrivel show this line stronger (line of weakness ?). The lime nodules are chunky and quite rounded at edges. Spores 11-12 um (so it fits too). I am sorry that I do not have better material!

  • Hello Steve,

    Unfortunately, the fruit bodies are moldy. You can't also tell if they have a stalk. The capillitium has large calcified nodules, but the microfotos are also not meaningful.

    I can only say that it is allegedly a Physarum, but I cannot confirm whether it is Physarum ovisporum.



  • I see :( so probably the mould has caused the spores to have that sunken shape ... though to be fair, I have not seen (at least evidently) alien hypha when viewing the sporocarps under the microscope. Maybe I get new growth because I have saved the plant-cutting (Centaurea ragusina) in a jar of water, re moisted the old leaves and let it to stand/dry maybe some spores will germinate and I have fresh specimens. Many Thanks Ulla