Mycorrhizal species

Es gibt 6 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.389 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Steve_mt.

  • Hi, after my M.Sc. in mycology, I have been assigned a task related to mycorrhizal fungi. Is there a webpage or book or paper which lists the species of macrofungi that are known to be mycorrhizal.



  • Hi Steve,

    i know the genus Sebacina (it's a Heterobasidiomycet) which is mycorrhizal.

    Sebacina is a very exciting genus with many unexplored species.

    best regards,


  • Hello Steve,

    in my region, for aforestation mostly is used Laccaria or Scleroderma. In my town, when someone is rising a hence of mycorrhizal arbor, you can often find after some months such fungi under the hences. One or two years later, these fungi disappear.



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  • Many thanks for all your help, and sorry for my late reply.

    You are suggesting a number of genera, but how do you know that they are (from experience and articles probably) but I would love to buy a book (or paper) listing numerous examples and which trees they are suitable for. From experience, I know Suillus collinitus is mycorrhizal with Pinus... but its would be great if I can have some reference book.


    Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America (2019)- Pagano, Marcela C., Lugo, Mónica A. (Eds.)
    Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America (2019)- Pagano, Marcela C., Lugo, Mónica A. (Eds.) - Details the ecology of different types and species of mycorrhizas…

    (...but for Europe?)

  • Thanks UWE, is it as simple as that ;) ??