Is there a particular species of Erysiphe that grows specifically on the fruit and flowers of Petroselinum crispum (not on the leaves). The leaves are intact. Logic says E. heraclei but not so sure since of its specificity on the reproductive parts of the plant.
Erysiphe on flowers and fruit of Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
- Steve_mt
- Erledigt
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Hi Steve,
I also think that this is Erysiphe heraclei. The other option, Leveillula lanuginosa should have dumbell-shaped conidia (40-80 µm x13-20 µm).
Is it normal for this species
to grow only on the fruit?
I don't think the fungus has a specific preference for leaves, stems or flowers. So it's just by accident that it is limited to the fruits.
Agree, I just find it strange the growth is only manifested on the inflorescence!
Thanks for replying
Here is a link re disease of parsley (general info) -
So here we have a situation of buy one and get one free. I cultured the microfungus by touching the infected fruits on petri dishes, and what we have: two microfungi - The Erysiphe with many white unornamented Chasmotheca intermixed with an Aspergillus species forming beautiful cyan / sky blue conidiophores.
I tried to isolate the two by careful inoculation by I got them both growing every time
Part 2: How did I manage to isolate the Aspergillus!
I took a the plate which had a dominant colonization of aspergillus, remove the lid, and tapped gently over a plate of innoculated Oat Agar. Theoretically, only spores of Aspergillus should drop.
Result: Success
(plus a tiny contaminant of A. niger! - very persistent )
Now I want to identify this Aspergillus which was growing on the Parsley flowers and fruit together with the Erysiphe