Hortiboletus rubellus - Christmas elves specimen
- Steve_mt
- Erledigt
Es gibt 5 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.180 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Schupfnudel.
Hallo Steve,
I think it is Hortiboletus engelii,
viele Grüsse
Second pic could also be Hulk version
Hello Steve,
I think it is Hortiboletus engelii,
Best wishes
Could be, but last year, I sequenced a population of Boletus from the exact same site / habitat and it was given as H. rubellus... but I remember we had an interesting discussion re validity of what labelled on Genbank, so same issue again!
Hello Steve,
I think it is Hortiboletus engelii,
Best wishes
Actually, I have an idea - could someone suggest authentic and good Genbank sequences of H. rubellus and H. engelii to which I can compare my sequences? I think this would be the best way to solve this dilemma of rubellus vs engeli. Was the type ever sequenced ?