Hello, I found old photos (2016) of unidentified slime moulds. This Physarum has stout, reddish-brown stems that are sculptured and furrowed. The spores are (10.5)11-12(12.2) um, apparently without spines but somewhat roughened (warty and perhaps ridged?) and in some focal planes it shows a wall with a double perimeter ?!? Not sure if there is a columella (I always have difficulty to detect this character!) but one image (8483) seems to show a basal flattened white mass at the center (=columella?).

Physarum sp. for ID (P. leucophaeum ?)
- Steve_mt
- Erledigt
Es gibt 2 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 656 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Steve_mt.
this species is not a Physarum but a Badhamia.
The capillitium consists of calcerous tubes and does not have separated calcerous nodes like Physarum.
Based on the browm stem, I suspect it's Badhamia macrocarpa.
The spore size and sculpture would also roughly match.
dear Ulla, thank you for the time replying to me. I need to train myself more on how to distinguish these capillitium/lime nodes between Badhamia and Physarum, so if u can suggest some website/doc/image for this purpose, I would appreciate. I understand that in Badhamia, the lime nodes are bulkier but my eyes need more training.I will check Yr kind suggestion of B. macrocarpa