Very small fruting body (1cm) , not sure if it is the normal size, cap very fibrous - Inocybe sp. ?
Sample collected
Es gibt 5 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.038 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Oliver.
Very small fruting body (1cm) , not sure if it is the normal size, cap very fibrous - Inocybe sp. ?
Sample collected
Hi Steve,
I think that's a Mallocybe (Inocybe s.l.) species. If you document your finding well, then there are some really well knowing persons here in this forum which will be able to help you a lot.
Dear friends, following Olivier tip, I have examined the spores, Cheilocystidia, Pleurocystidia, Caulocystidia, Basidia, Suprapellis (veil?) and Pileipellis of this interesting specimen. So here is the data in several posts.
Spores, tawny brown, almonds to phaseoliform, apiculus distinct, globular, gem-pore probably absent, surface smooth or finely pitted (?), oil bodies not seen. size:
(8.9) 9.4 - 11.9 (12.2) × (5.5) 5.7 - 7 (7.7) err
Q = (1.4) 1.45 - 1.9 (2) ; N=31
V = (151) 172 - 287 (331) err3
Me = 10.4 × 6.4 err ; Qe = 1.6 ; Ve = 226 err3
Clavate with broad ends, (x2-) x4 sterigmata, each 2.5-3.5 um long, slender horn-shaped, size:
(31.6) 32.5 - 38.6 (39.9) × (8.6) 10.3 - 11.3 (12) err
Q = (2.8) 2.9 - 3.6 (4.5) ; N=7
V = (1469) 1975 - 2364 (3001) err3
Me = 36.4 × 10.7 err ; Qe = 3.4 ; Ve = 2188 err3
Cheilocystidia abundant, lining the entire lamella edge, narrowly utriform with crystals on the apex, sitting on a short foot cell (septate base), hyaline, smooth, size:
(48.1) 50.4 - 67.7 (68.4) × (12.5) 14.6 - 17.2 (18.4) µm
Q = (3) 3.1 - 4.65 (4.7) ; N=13
V = (4788) 5656 - 9115 (10756) µm3
Me = 56.4 × 15.6 µm ; Qe = 3.7 ; Ve = 7240 µm3
Pleurocystidia frequent, same as cheilocystidia perhaps more slender and slightly longer
Suprapellis (veil?) composed of elongated cylindrical hyphae, 6-8 um wide, hyaline (unpigmented), with the terminal element being curved (flexuose) and unswollen rounded tip.
Pileipellis much more broad, sausage-shaped or broadly cylindrical, with distinct brown pigments encrusting the walls,
(32.4) 34.8 - 63.3 (73.4) × (8.8) 10.5 - 16.5 (18.9) µm
Q = (2.1) 2.4 - 5.1 (6.3) ; N=20
V = (1838) 1955 - 7265 (7655) µm3
Me = 48.5 × 14.1 µm ; Qe = 3.5 ; Ve = 5192 µm3
Caulocystidia (and hyphae of the stipe) tall and narrow cylindrical shaped, smooth, hyaline, straight, 7-11um wide ( 45-100 um long) with occasional swollen and almost globular (balloon shaped) terminal hyphae (=caulocystidia?) measuring 25um long and about 15um in width.
Clamp connection examined in all tissue explained, rather large sometimes.
Images of Veil (Suprapellis), Pileipellis and stipe hyphae (caulocystidia ?)
Other images