Lepista sordida - variation or different species?

Es gibt 16 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 2.687 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Oliver.

  • Dear friends, I recently bumped into a large population of Lepista sordida under an afforested copse of pine trees (Pinus halapensis). There were dozens of them, and apart from two Inocybe sp. and a Tapinella, there were no other fruiting bodies. Apart from the typical forms, there were some which were lilac and light beige-mauve and the one which seemed to be most different was completely ocre-beige. Hygrophany was observed. I wish your comments about these specimens and whether you think that they are all Lepista sordida as was my original thought or if there other species involved such as

    Lepista nuda

    Lepista glaucana

    Lepista caespitosa....

    I am particularly concerned for the individual in images 5248, 5249,5251 which is the most different from the specimens.

  • The scent (without crushing the fruiting body) was mild except one which was moderately aromatic. The taste was detectable somewhat bitter-aromatic in a few specimens, less pronounced in the majority.

  • Hi,

    what I see on the first pictures is for me Lepista nuda. What size are they, it seems very small...?

    The pictures with the brownish ones, not even the gilles are lilac ?

    Maybe because they are older an the sun did bleach them out?

    Lepista caespitosa is something that I don´t know, but I don´t think (compared to the pictures I saw) that this is an option.

    You should not try to identify this old fruitbodys, it will lead to nowhere....

    I hope you have a good time

    Greets Sandra

    Liebe Grüße aus dem Vogtland

    die Schwarzhex

    :gwinken: Sandra

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  • Lepista nuda is morphologically closely related (similar) but various literature states it is more intense violet, it is more robust (e.g. the stipe) and foremost it has an aromatic-fruity scent which sordida lack. I did not smell all the specimens so I dont exclude a nuda within a sordida population. The most interesting is however the last three images (in the field) showing a bulkier and beige fruiting body lacking tones of violet.

  • Hello together,

    I would also tend rather to L. nuda than to L. sordida just because I made the mistake to rely on the scent several times. The most L. nuda specimens I found until now didn't smell at all, but some do occasionally for me. I thought that I might not be able to perceive that kind of smell but that doesn't seem to be the case, because I sometimes do.

    Your fruiting bodies are all very violet which isn't very typical for L. sordida at all. I haven't seen both species a lot, especially L. sordida, but L. sordida always looked rather like a greyish Clitocybe with pink hues than like a violet mushroom with or without brown hues to me. I was of the impression that L. nuda isn't brown regularly but after finding some really big and massive fruiting bodies whith brown colours that for sure weren't L. sordida, my impressions changed.

    I've never heard of L. glaucana and I don't know if it is easy to distinguish this two or three species microscopically, but I wouldn't rely on smell and I don't think your specimens are too brown to be L. nuda.


  • Hello together,

    fungi that lack a felty stem base including sort of litter, detritus or hay should not be considered a Lepista. When furthermore rusty-brown sporeprint is found somewhere on the specimen, it is most likely a Cortinarius. As Oliver says, Lepista sordida is not a distinct violet or lilac mushroom, but a brownish-grey one.



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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Oehrling ()

  • Hi everyone,

    on the first pictures, on my mobile screen there is a clearly visible rust-color on lamellae and stipe tip. Therefore, I suspect a Cortinarius rather than a Lepista. Or is it my screen only?


    But I don't see any brown colours in the spore prints Steve posted. Either these specimens weren't included, or Cortinarius isn't an option, right? Steve_mt, can you clarify?

  • Dear all, I am quite surprised with the comments (both the number and the comments per see), and there is a lot to discuss.

    This post is about the option Cortinarius.

    Starting with the possibility of Cortinarius, I think the only candidate of a possible Cortinarius is the large brown specimen with image number 5246, 5249 5251 with swelling at the stipe. The sad news is that I did not collect it. There was only one like it, and I thought I should keep it there (conservation instinct!), but now, knowing it could be a Cortinarius, I feel a bit of regret (taxonomist instinct!). Looking the grass beneath, there is a rusty brown deposit! On the other hand the first photo (IMG_5229) and the rest are definitely Lepista although this specimen was not collected - the brownness suggested to me to be the usual L. sordida.

    Cortinarius s.l. is super rare in Malta, and a find would merit a paper!


  • Now with regards L. nuda vs L. sordida = the classical mycologist question - my background knowledge (probably owned from Italian mycologists) is that to tell apart the following apply:

    1. L. nuda has strong violet colours vs L.sordida just a hint and pale hue with brownish being dominant [rate of importance 4/5, easy to detect: 3/5];

    2. L. nuda has an aromatic scent vs L. sordida just a faint or none - [rate of importance 5/5, easy to detect: 4/5];

    3. L. nuda is a robust large species with thick stipes vs L. sordida which is smaller and slender stipe - [rate of importance 2/5, easy to detect: 3/5];

    4. L. nuda is not hygrophanous vs L. sordida which is a lot - [rate of importance 3/5, easy to detect: 5/5];

    These specimens were hygrophanous, some had a brown component (but some deeply maroon-violet), generally not strongly scented and slender-stiped. Yet here I see opposing comments, and it is not only here >>> The link below shows the huge contrasting argument between nuda and sordida - more or less like here

    How to distinguish between Lepista nuda and L. sordida - UK Fungi

    Slenderness seems arguable ( L. nuda f. gracilis with stipe 3-7mm makes this character a bit useless if truly so)

    According the Italians, they are fixed on the above:


    Simile alla Lepista nuda, si distingue da questa per un portamento meno robusto, per cromatismi più diluiti, il cappello igrofano e per l'assenza di odore aromatico intenso, diversamente fungino rancido.


    [L.sordida] is similar to L. nuda but is distinguished by being less robust, colours [violets] less intense, hygrophanous cap and lacking aromatic odour which is intense in L. nuda while acrid/rancid in L. sordida

    L. sordida

    Lepista sordida (Schum. : Fr.) Singer 1951
    Lepista sordida (Schum. : Fr.) Singer 1951 Tassonomia Divisione Basidiomycota Classe Agaricomycetes Ordine Agaricales Famiglia Tricholomataceae Foto e…

    L. nuda

    Lepista nuda (Bull. : Fr.) Cooke 1871
    Lepista nuda (Bull.: Fr.) Cooke 1871 Tassonomia Divisione Basidiomycota Classe Basidiomycetes Ordine Agaricales Famiglia Tricholomataceae Nome italiano Agarico…

    When I see all the images of the above pages almost start seeing no distinction apart extremes of the said species and a lot of intermediate morphologies. I guess both species have been separated genetically?

    So I am still a bit confused due to different opinions in many schools of mycology (are we dealing with a single variable species?). SOS!

  • Hello together,

    that's indeed not an easy but nonetheless interesting question. But I wonder if the sources you brought up are indeed correct. Some of those pictures under the post about L. sordida seem to be L. nuda. I looked both species up in a pretty famous but German key for Basidiomycetes (Gröger) and he distinguishes them pretty much with the colour. He notes that L. sordida isn't purple at all. It can contain some purple hues, but it should never have a purple stipe, purple gills or even a purple cap.

    He also notes that L. nuda has spores with the quotient of 1.2 - 1.9 where as L. sordida has an spore quotient of 1.4 - 2.4.

    But I wonder how useful this characteristic is considering tha huge range and the huge overlap.


  • Dear friends. I took this topic a bit more seriously and went to visit the same population 7 days later (no rain) and I am understanding this species a bit better, and I may surprise you a bit. We are talking about a small area of 30x50m. I have photos of the same specimens I photographed above (fresh), and one week later, I can draw some conclusions.

    1. I believe that the population is homogeneous, belonging to one Lepista sp.

    2. Size of caps varies considerably, but the stipe is always slender, cigarette thick (<10mm)

    3. All specimens are hygrophanous (less evident in the fresh/young individuals)

    4. There is a gradual change in colour of the pileus and stipe when the fruiting body is ageing, initially (young individuals) are always maroon-violet, rather dull, then gradually become straw to light brown when fully mature/dieing out.

    5. The gills also change colour, clean lilac-violet when young, brownish with pinish-lilac hues (esp in the sun) when old

    5. The very young fruiting bodies do have a noticeable aromatic scent, somewhat like the pine-resin or fruity, but it definitely fades to nothing when the fruiting body is ageing

    6. All specimens clump a lot of pine needles (a few also growing from cones)

    7. All specimens produce a white spore print which, when abundant it gets a cream to beige colour.

    Please see the photos where in Lepista2.jpg, I photographed side by side the same specimen 6 days later in situ (the violet tones all went when the fb got old) whereas in Lepista3.jpg and Lepista4.jpg I took a sequence of fresh to aging to old fruiting bodies collected in situ at the same time.

    I am concluding that these are Lepista sordida in my ignorance of what L. nuda do when dries up, but from the literature, there seems to be a consensus that L. nuda is a non-hygrophanous species (or faintly so), has a robust stem, possess a persistent fruity-aromatic scent, does not brown a great deal with age (because it is not hygrophanous) and keeps its violet colours through its lifespan. I think one should revise the ideas a bit and maybe you have some L.sordida labelled as L. nuda (from the responses I got).

  • I looked both species up in a pretty famous but German key for Basidiomycetes (Gröger) and he distinguishes them pretty much with the colour. He notes that L. sordida isn't purple at all. It can contain some purple hues, but it should never have a purple stipe, purple gills or even a purple cap.

    I think this is not correct, several sources describe or illustrate L. sordida with violet-lilac colours (see my selection below), but that comment is only true in mature/old specimens which lose scent and their violaceous colours completely.

    Lepista sordida, Sordid Blewit identification

    Sordid Blewit (Lepista sordida) Identification  -
    Sordid Blewit is related to Wood Blewits (Lepista nuda) and Field Blewits (Lepista personata) but not as common. Sweet scented and edible.

    Lepista sordida: The Ultimate Mushroom Guide
    Lepista sordida: what you should know about the mushroom and identification with photos. Also, check all-around information about this mushroom.

    Lepista Sordida: The Sordid Blewit Identification & Look alikes
    Lepista Sordida aka The Sordid Blewit or Dirty Blewit is an edible mushroom found worldwide. Come learn it's identification & look alikes.

    Lepista sordida (Schumach.) Singer 1951 media - Encyclopedia of Life

    Lepista sordida (Schum. : Fr.) Singer 1951
    Lepista sordida (Schum. : Fr.) Singer 1951 Tassonomia Divisione Basidiomycota Classe Agaricomycetes Ordine Agaricales Famiglia Tricholomataceae Foto e…

  • FInally, after consulting several sources these days - the most reliable feature is the robustness and fleshiness of the fruiting bodies. The best feature here is the stipe because I have seen some L. sordida with big caps, but the stipe is always the shape of a cigarette (5-10 mm wide) even in large specimens whereas L. nuda have a very thick columnar (Cigar-like ;) ) stipe.

    Look here for comparison



    California Fungi: Clitocybe tarda
    Photographs and descriptions of the Mushrooms and other Fungi of California, USA

    L. sordida with big cap but narrow stipe (my pic from Comino island)

    Second comes the scent which seems to be more persistently aromatic in L. nuda (according literature) but fades away quickly in L. sordida (young specimens are flower/faintly pine-resin scented!)

  • Hello Steve,

    think it's time for a conclusion. You wanted us, the forum, to confirm your finding as Lepista sordida. Nobody did so until now. If you say this is Lepista sordida, then we have to accept it, although I myself have another image of Lepista sordida. No one of us can observe the distinguishing smell of Lepista nuda on the screen, so for us a final conclusion is not possible. Maybe this is another Lepista beyond nuda and sordida. Very few people know exactly which fungi there are in Malta.



    PSVs dürfen weder über I-Net noch übers Telefon Pilze zum Essen freigeben - da musst du schon mit deinem Pilz zum lokalen PSV!

  • Hi Oehrling,

    The aim of the post was mainly a discussion on L.sordida and closely related species (in particular, L. nuda), but then the post got a strange path when there was a lot of contradictions between characters referable for L. sordida and L. nuda. Contradictions both between different user's comments and different literature. This hence led me to further research and even revisiting the island where the population was found to shed more light. I dont think this is some new species, but L. sordida is maybe a more Mediterranean species, and I wanted to express that it can easily be confused with L. nuda.

    One can of course, don't agree with my interpretation, but for scope of education and scientific observation, the pictures and findings are recorded here so maybe they serve as a reference for future readers and further discussion. I am not trying to convince anyone but simply sharing my opinion/findings/pics.

  • Hello together,

    I must say, that's indeed a difficult case. I am not not quite convinced that this is definitely L. sordida, but I also wouldn't bet on L. nuda anymore.

    Both species in your and other resources do overlap quite heavily. I wonder, if there are a lot of missidentifications or not. A lot of people tend to have very different opinions on that.

    I think that we would need some genetic research there and a closer examination of the holotypes. But it seems that this type of research is due nearly everywhere. I did find some genetic research that showed, that L. sordida and L. nuda ar two distict species and that L. personata is even closer related to L. nuda than L. sordida genetically, but I didn't finde some good documented collections which were confirmed genetically.

    Kind Regards
