Leoc arpus fragilis finally met here in Malta!

Es gibt 7 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.069 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von KaMaMa.

  • For long I wished to find and collect the beautiful Leoarpus fraglis and finally, I was lucky on the island of Comino. The fruiting bodies are more spherical than the usual pear-shaped bodies but I think it is part of the species variation. Plasmodium yellow, Peridium bronze brown, shiny, inner crust golden yellow, spore mass pitch black.

  • Wow, nice picture!

    They look like some kind of eggs in super bright colours!

    Are you on holliday on this nice Island? I´d like to see more of your jouney!

    Have you read the "Southbound" Threat here? Share some impression with us!

    (Sorry for my poor english..)

    Greets Sandra

    Liebe Grüße aus dem Vogtland

    die Schwarzhex

    :gwinken: Sandra

    (PC 100 - 10 (fürs APR 2020) = 90 - 15 (APR 21) = 75-10 (APR22) = 65 + 7 (APR 22 Auflösung) - 5 (Rätsel-Gedicht)= 67 - 10 (APR 23) = 57 + 5 Gnanzierung = 62 - 10 (Ast-Wette gegen Björn) = 52 )

  • Hello I am a local Maltese botanist and every now and then I visit the peaceful island of Comino. There are patches of aforested Pine trees which hold some interesting fungi and slime moulds. Never heard about the southbound threat! I'll check it on google!!!



  • No, not google!

    Southbound again!

    is something here in the Forum from Hans. You can search here. He made a journey with his car and shared here his impressions of that tour!

    Now, you are so far away and I (and sure I am not alone) would like to read more about your excusions in your land.

    So landscape and stuff.

    (I am not very good in english writing, so a lot things are translated by google, I hope you know what I mean)


    Liebe Grüße aus dem Vogtland

    die Schwarzhex

    :gwinken: Sandra

    (PC 100 - 10 (fürs APR 2020) = 90 - 15 (APR 21) = 75-10 (APR22) = 65 + 7 (APR 22 Auflösung) - 5 (Rätsel-Gedicht)= 67 - 10 (APR 23) = 57 + 5 Gnanzierung = 62 - 10 (Ast-Wette gegen Björn) = 52 )

  • Hi Steve,

    Sandra was referring to Southbound again.

    And I think what Sandra wants to say is: she is very curious about more to see and read from your imposing countryside, like scenic setting, vegetation, perhaps fauna and so on.


    »Experts do not exist,

    we all are beginners

    with greater or lesser knowledge.«

    Luis Alberto Parra Sánchez

  • AAhhh Ok the southbound thread (not threat! hehe!)

    Well, Sandra for a start you can visit my website http://www.MaltaWildplants.com to see most wild plants growing in Malta. I also administer a facebook group called "Malta Wild Plants" were you can join and see most of the things you said u wish to see. Of course I keep loyal to this wonderful forum with regards to fungi and slime molds which contains so many kind people who do their best to reply my stupid posts and ID requests ( ) ;) and I feel very welcomed!

    Don't worry about the english - important that we communicate not to be perfect writers.

    I leave you with a photo taken yesterday!

  • Hey Steve,

    thank you for this nice picture! Thats amazing.

    Yes , thread.... it´s not dangerous for you to visit this forum ;)

    Danke Thorwulf dass Du meine Aussagen so super übersetzt hast...Ich weiß zwar nicht was BFN bedeutet, aber ich denke mal an ne Grußformel, mein Englisch ist echt eingerostet, was für ne Schande!

    I will try to join the FB group and thanks for the link to webside.

    Greets Sandra

    Liebe Grüße aus dem Vogtland

    die Schwarzhex

    :gwinken: Sandra

    (PC 100 - 10 (fürs APR 2020) = 90 - 15 (APR 21) = 75-10 (APR22) = 65 + 7 (APR 22 Auflösung) - 5 (Rätsel-Gedicht)= 67 - 10 (APR 23) = 57 + 5 Gnanzierung = 62 - 10 (Ast-Wette gegen Björn) = 52 )