Completely white basidiomycete without ring or vulva

Es gibt 15 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.339 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Steve_mt.

  • Hello Steve,

    from the pictures it looks as if there actually has been a ring, and the remainder of the ring is still attached to the rim of the cap?

    Such a movable ring would remind me of something towards Macrolepiota here in middle Euorpe...

    But I am far from having expertise esp. abroad.



  • Hello Steve,

    I consider Agrocybe to be possible. Check pileipellis if it's hymeniform. The spores should be ellipsoid to oblong and yellowish brown, without germ porus. Cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia should be present, both utri- or lageniform. Spore deposit should be dull brown.



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  • Dear Oehrling and Michael, thank you for your replies.

    Ring or not, I am not sure because I do not see a scar on the stem, but you could be right.

    I reckon microscopy is required at this stage and I have marked that I have an exsiccatum for SM-552. I report findings over the weekend.

    Thank you

    LG / FG


  • So finally I had time to examine the spores and gills of an exsiccatum which was not in very good shape (larvae destroyed physically part of the specimen. Here are some notes:

    The gills turned beige-brown with age

    Spore print white

    Spore deposit/production abundant

    Cystidia generally absent (but check image of a possible finding of a cheilocystidium)

    spores broadly ovate or shield like with apiculum and distinct germ pore


    (7.5) 7.8 - 9.3 (10.2) × (5) 5.3 - 6.1 (6.6) µm //

    Me = 8.5 × 5.8 µm; Qe = 1.5 ; Ve = 147 µm3

    Ring may be present and got detached and hanging at the rim during basidiocarp growth

    I am thinking on Leucoagaricus, specifically L. leucothites ?

    >I cannot upload pics!!!<

  • Hello Steve,

    it is completely impossible that the spore deposit/spore print is white when the spores are yellowish brown under the microscope, so there must be something wrong with your presented sample of characters.

    The spores look indeed like Agrocybe ones. Maybe you still can find some cheilo- or pleurocystidia?



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  • Hello Vidar,

    well, that's an obvious possibility, absolutely right to mention. But then the sample of characters isn't reliable in general. You never should measure spores in anything but pure water, otherwise you get no correct size and, of course, no correct colour.



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  • Deeply sorry for not mentioning it - in many images the spores are stained in Congo Red (and also some post editing of the images to increase the contrast and make the bg whitish) and a few in Lugol's iodine to show their dextrinoid character typical of Leucoagaricus.

    Without stain, the spores are hyaline.

  • New measurements in water.

    9.27 5.77

    7.93 5.18

    7.23 5.45

    8.55 5.08

    8.79 6.25

    8.28 6.04

    7.83 5.36

    8.83 6.05

    8.00 5.91

    7.20 5.37

    7.55 5.16

    6.45 5.40

    8.78 5.60

    8.55 5.40

    8.82 6.03

    6.84 5.49

    8.31 5.06

    7.36 5.59

    8.99 5.30

    8.77 6.24

    7.45 6.05

    7.83 5.60

    8.12 5.73

    8.05 5.91

    7.90 5.72

    7.36 4.88

    8.16 5.76

    7.47 5.29

    7.57 5.68

    7.77 5.58

    6.90 5.00

    8.04 5.27

    7.38 5.25

    7.63 5.34

    8.34 5.95

    8.28 5.59

    7.49 5.46

    8.57 5.78

    7.99 5.94

    9.55 5.46

    7.89 5.45

    8.94 5.73

    8.51 5.65

    8.71 5.68

    7.67 4.88

    (6.5) 7.2 - 8.8 (9.6) × (4.9) 5.1 - 6 (6.2) µm

    Q = (1.2) 1.3 - 1.6 (1.7) ; N = 45

    Me = 8 × 5.6 µm ; Qe = 1.4

  • Spore sizes of L. leucothites found on online literature

    First nature: 7-9 x 4.5-5µm

    University British Columbia: 7–10.0 x 5.0–7.0 µm

    Mushroom expert: 8-11 x 5-6.5 µm

    I also found a twin brother of my specimen, smallish with ring hanging on the rim of the pileus and no traces on the stipe!!!

    Leucoagaricus leucothites (Vittad.) Wasser 1977 media - Encyclopedia of Life

  • Hello Steve,

    thanks a lot for your exuberant documentation!

    I am a nooby thus unfortunately I cannot confirm your suspicion.

    Comparing with Leucoagaricus leucothites data from "Pilze der Schweiz" it looks your guess is quite reasonable.

    However, I am not proficient, thus perhaps there is another more proficient one to comment on it?

    Anyways, thanks a lot for your documentation, learned quite a bit reading along :)



  • Dear Michael,

    No problem, we are here to discuss, share opinions, learn and after all have fun communicating with real people rather than stuck in some AI app or screen. Thanks for the time to reply and have interest in my finding, and same goes to Oehrling, if he is still wants to talk to me after disappointing him a bit with the spore-stain :) :) :D

    For now I place it as L. leucothites unless a better option arises, but as you said it looks alike and spore measurements are within the range, although from the literature shown, the range is quite wide!


  • Well, as you said, we are here to discuss, and there is no guarantee that no one remains disappointed, every user knows that :D

    With the whitish sporeprint, Leucoagaricus leucothites is a good idea, I think, although the fruitbody seems to me a bit slender. What about the genus Sericeomyces?



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  • Hello Oehrling,

    I agree that the habit of this mushroom is a bit slender and your suggestion of Sericeomyces is valid. I saw S. serenus which looks like it (but it has a light brown umbo). It is also has dextrinoid spores with matching spore length, although the Q-factor is 1.6-1.9 and the specimen I found is 1.3-1.6. I will investigate a bit more because both suggested species could be my specimen!

    Thank you and all the best for the new year!

    Sericeomyces serenus (Fr.) Heinem. 1978
    Sericeomyces serenus (Fr.) Heinem. 1978 Tassonomia Divisione Basidiomycota Classe Agaricomycetes Ordine Agaricales Famiglia Agaricaceae Sinonimi Leucoagaricus…