Description: Gasterocarps subglobose, (2) 4–4.5 cm in width, (2) 2.5 (3) cm in height.
Color 52 (Buff) at the base, tending to become 17 (Snuff brown) to 18 (Umber) towards
the top with a reddish tint. Mature gleba olivaceous-yellow. Under light microscopy,
spores globose to slightly subglobose, (4) 4.9–6.1 (6.5) µm in diam. (n = 35) including
ornamentation, finely warted, hyaline to light green or light yellow, with a thick wall
(≈0.7–1 µm), and a central oil droplet. Some spores with a short apiculus. Capillitium
hyphae (2.5) 3–5 (up to 6) µm in diam. (walls ≈ 0.7–1 µm), yellow to hyaline, with pores.
Under SEM, spores are covered with ornamentation of conical to irregularly shaped
warts. Some warts appear sharper, while others have more rounded apices and ridges; also,
some warts are merged together to form irregularly shaped complexes. Apiculus short
≈0.7 µm, with a terminal opening.
Habitat: Xerothermophilous species, preferring dry continental regions, can be found
in forest edges, grasslands and even sand steppe communities.