Dear Matthias
I have re-explored my images and I have some further information.
1. Spores:
(7) 8.2 - 9.3 (9.9) × (4.5) 4.55 - 5.1 (5.7) µm
Q = (1.5) 1.51 - 2 ; N = 7
Me = 8.7 × 4.9 µm ; Qe = 1.8
Not very common, based on 7 spores only, but it matches the measurments you suggested
2. Clamp junctions
I might have seen a few in the stipe but not abundant. I marked a few.
3. Inflated Hyphae
You are correct, must be trama / structural hypha under the hymenium
4. Stipe long hairs
Yes, these are very setiform hairs coming out from the stipe. I cant say if at the base or at the apex.
5. Lack of cystidia and pleurocystidia
Agree, absent - they should appear in my slides. I only see few basidia and basidiomes.
The only bad news is that I have not examined and photographed the pileipellis and maybe those you noticed are artefacts. I will study your suggested species shortly. (It looks like it at a glance!). Check some strange structures in one image (below) like a cluster of spores. Some kind of artefact I think.